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Born in São Paulo, Brazil

Works and lives in Berlin, Germany

2017 - 2022 photography studies at “Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie” in Berlin, graduated in May 2022 under the mentoring from the renowned german photographers Ute Mahler and Göran Gnaudschun.

2020 Group Exhibition "Die Rose ist ohne Warum", Salomé, Schloss Neuhardenberg

2022 Group Exhibition OKS Graduating Class, Between Heaven and Earth, Quartier 206

2022 Helsinki Photo Festival, Between Heaven and EarthShortlist

2022 Athens Photo Festival, Between Heaven and Earth, Shortlist

2022 NIDA. Meeting Photography, Projection night, Between Heaven and EarthFinalist

2022 8th International Marianne Brandt Award, Between Heaven and Earth, Nominee

2023 2022 Edited - Buchprojekt der OKS und ICP NY, Between Heaven and EarthSelected Artist

2023 Prize and Group ExhibitionBetween Heaven and EarthShortlist

2023 LoosenArt Group Exhibition "I want to Believe", Between Heaven and EarthSelected Artist

2023 Group Exhibition Lagois Photo Prize "Sustainable Living", Between Heaven and EarthLonglist

2023 Handbali Magazine VI, Between Heaven and EarthSelected Artist

2023 German Photo Book Award, Between Heaven and EarthNominated

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